Somaiya School of Design | Program Outcomes

Bachelor of Design Academics


Program Outcomes

Students will develop the skills to become compassionate Product Designers who can build Sustainable solutions leveraging Design Thinking philosophy that focuses on User Experience and Business viability.

Individual courses have their outcomes defined. Also students will develop their ability in following broader domains over 4 years.


Thinking & knowledge Competency

Students will develop ability to

  • Empathize with various stakeholders of the society and to understand their interdependability
  • Comprehend, analyze, synthesize and critique information which facilitates decision making and problem solving
  • Exercise creativity and curiosity
  • Accept the limitation of individual knowledge & acknowledging the merit in collaboration


Uncovering problems & Research

Students will develop the ability to

  • Identify gaps and problems in the society
  • Formulate design problems that challenge traditional assumptions because they are based on understanding of social science
  • Narrow down on the true root causes of the problem to build robust way forward


Ideation tools & techniques

Students will develop the ability to

  • Ideate from multiple perspective and employ multiple disciplines while problem solving
  • Challenge their own cultural context and popular world views
  • Exercise openness towards diverse perspectives and others experiences
  • Operate with the tools and approaches of more than one discipline
  • Rely on collective past knowledge and join dots to uncover newer insights
  • Develop humility by the process of collaboration


Creation & Entrepreneurial mindset

Students will develop the ability to

  • Identify the optimum resources to build the low fidelity prototypes or innovative design concepts
  • Build prototypes and run tests to validate the effectiveness of the solutions built and market readiness.
  • Build innovative prototypes or design concepts through visual representations, physical forms, and user testing



Students will develop ability to

  • Curate creative ways of expressing a message or a concept
  • Design communication channels by empathetic listening
  • Improvise the communication format to suit the audience
  • Practice awareness about the diversity in communication process and its dependence on social, cultural and linguistic context
  • Present and write effectively about the activities and projects using Design process



Students will develop ability to

  • Reflect on their learnings, interactions, actions and their beliefs
  • Comprehend the impact of individual and collective actions on society, environment and the world
  • Practice the art of self critique and conflict resolution with peers
  • Exercise effective decision making for personal growth while being aware of its implications on society at large

© Somaiya School of Design 2021