Somaiya School of Design | Our labs

Bachelor of Design Academics


Our Labs

World class Laboratories to build prototypes

Digital Fabrication Laboratory

Fablab supported by Fab Foundation, a US organization that emerged from MIT's center for BITs & Atoms Fab Lab Program. An open and collaborative workshop space for computer-driven innovation, design, and fabrication is part of a global network of 1000 Fab Labs


Bioriidl is India's First and only Do It Yourself Biolab and has a BioIncubator to support the growing biotechnological, global social movement Do-it-yourself biology (DIY biology, DIY bio) in which individuals, communities, and small organizations, study biology and life sciences using the same methods as traditional research institutions.


A place to design, develop, deploy and test software applications. Its an ideal place for Web, Mobile developers For App development and App testing, we have mobile devices and computers / servers with different configurations.

XR riidl

A place to design, develop, deploy and test applications for XR developers where x means virtual / hyper / Augmented reality. For development and testing, we have equipment like VR headsets by Oculus Rift, Sony Playstation, HTC Vive and Microsoft Hololens.

© Somaiya School of Design 2021