Somaiya School of Design | Education Value System

Bachelor of Design Academics


Education Value System

Join us for an academic adventure where you have the Ownership in your learning journey, where there is No Rote Learning and where Collaboration is the key and assessment is 'Real Impact'.


Redesigning Classrooms

Design is everywhere. Every place is a classroom and every experience, a learning opportunity that leaves you with so many insights. We have curated a variety of experiences and engagements for our students to learn even beyond the formal four walls of our classroom.

The world is the true classroom. The most rewarding and important type of learning is through experience, seeing something with our own eyes.

Jack Hanna


Redefining Faculty

Designers are everywhere. From Innovators, Makers, Designers to Artists and Storytellers. From daily wage workers to the elements in nature. We can learn from everyone and everything. We have Inspirational faculty on board who will help you stretch your potential and carve your path.

The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.

Mark VanDoren


Revisiting Examinations

Designing assessment methods that take away the pressure of marks is our focus. We will be assessing our students on the impact they create on communities and their individual growth.

To know more about: Glimpse of our assessment methods:

  • Design Challenges, Prototype Building and Live Projects
  • Investigation, Debate & Discussion forums
  • Strategy and problem solving for the Real World
  • Creative documentation, Visual Expression, and Showcases. (Exhibits, Vlogs, etc.)

Nothing is a mistake. There's no win and no fail. There's only MAKE.

Corita Kent


Reimagining laboratories

Designing an environment that encourages students to try. "It's okay to fail" as long as you keep making an effort.

Our labs are seasoned to help designers build - Fablab, SMAC lab, BIO lab, XR lab

There is no failure. Only feedback.

Robert Allen

© Somaiya School of Design 2021